Autumn is here!
Welcome October! Personally my favorite month, which including a birthday, wedding anniversary, and because it’s finally Autumn.

Love this time of year – so colorful!
As for chores, I’ve been busy getting the tractor fixed – I had to replace the ignitor and coil and now it starts right up. I need to fine tune the carb, but I’ll worry about that once I get the hydraulics reinstalled. Today I started cleaning the 66 years of gunk from inside the hydraulics and transmission and hope to install the new piston and cylinder this week. Then all that’s left is the gaskets and fluids and we’ll be back in business. I’ve also been busy splitting firewood and various lawn care before we get the rainy days that are inevitable and seemingly endless by the time Spring comes around. It’s a bit of a challenge to find organic products for the lawn, but I’ve managed to find organic lime and fertilizer. I’ve also overseeded the lawn with grass and miniclover which will be a natural source of nitrogen once it gets established. I would like to lime the pastures before it rains, but may not have time since the days are so short that I really only get the weekend to get everything done.