Baby chicks arrived!
I picked up the baby chicks we ordered today – 15 new hens, barred rock, black star (sex-link), and New Hampshire, plus one mystery chick (I’m thinking she’s a Delaware, but we’ll see…).

First day of the new flock!
So far so good. They’ve been eating, drinking, preening, and chirping happily since they got settled into their new home. I’ll probably build a proper brooder soon since we plan on getting more layers and some meat birds later this year. The hens that came with the property are in molt right now and seem to be doing well. We plan on keeping them at least until these new girls start laying eggs. I’ll be setting the new hens up in the barn after I get the coop built out. I have some time and since the weather is already wet, I’ll be able to do the work since its an inside job.

Whatcha looking at?