June is here – and so is the Sun (finally!)
Finally we have had some good weather which has let us get caught up on our long list of chores. We have added a bunch more chickens, now up to 50 or so, have added another rooster so we can start breeding our own replacement hens, and our turkeys have graduated to pasture.

Home on the range
The garden fence is up and we have been getting the beds built up. Veggie starts are almost ready to transplant and we are planning on finishing the remaining three sections of the garden during the rest of the summer and fall (weather permitting, of course…).

Elk-proofing the garden
As for bad news, we lost one of our laying hens to a coyote and another chick to natural causes. We also have a laying hen that recently had a prolapse. She’s currently in isolation after her coop mates did a number on her. I’ll spare you the graphic details, but suffice it to say, if the first aid isn’t successful in helping her heal, she too will need to be replaced.

Our new Cukoo Marans rooster, “Mr. Speckles”
Our eggs are selling out so we are eager to get the new hens ready and laying. We’ve added some Ameraucana and Cukoo Marans and will be breeding them for replacements.
The turkeys are healthy and are now on pasture. They continue to grow and explore their new world. They are in rotation on pasture which will hopefully include sheep and pigs in the next year or two. Hopefully we have a good mix of Toms and Hens so we can build our flock.

First move of the turkey shelter. The hope is to continue revitalizing the pasture for eventually grazing sheep and/or pigs.

I guess they’re comfy in their new home…