Spring update
Sorry for taking so long between updates – with a hard drive failure and so much else to do, I’m only now sitting down to give an update.

Early morning view of Mt. Rainier
This has been such a rainy season that I haven’t had a chance to get much of my garden prep done. However, we have been able to work on our coop. We installed a new community nest box that the eggs roll out to the rear to keep the eggs clean. We also have expanded the area in the barn to make more space for future birds. Currently, it’s keeping our rooster, spot, from being attacked by his lady friends.

New rollout nestbox


The hens did a number on him.
Currently Spot is a man without a home – he was attacked by the ladies to the point where we had to nurse him back to health. His feathers have grown back and he’s getting bigger. It may be time for a chicken dinner.
Received all of our seeds from Johnny’s Selected Seeds and are waiting for our ground to dry out a little bit. I still need to install the rest of the elk fence. In the meantime, I have been fixing the Rototiller engine. So far, it’s been straightforward to get it put back together. I hope the ground dries out soon so I can till the ground and start building the bed. Today I planted a few of our starts including beets and Swiss chard. And while we’re waiting I’ve been working on our compost pile. Currently working on our hot compost – it’s about 150°F at the moment. It certainly helps having lots of chickens and bedding to build up and amend the soil . Of course I won’t be able to use it until the fall due to the high nitrogen and food safety concerns.
And because I don’t have enough to do already, now I will be pulling our tractor out of the quicksand that is our ground. I was a little too eager to get out and try to cut some drainage ditches. Nothing a come-along and some chains and straps can’t fix.

In the bog….
until next time… happy spring!