An early Easter Egg(er) hunt!
An early Easter Egg(er) Hunt!
So the other evening while we were out collecting eggs, I looked up and noticed some feathers sticking out between the old boards under the eaves. I first thought that it was just a birds nest since we have some barn swallows that have nested in the barn before. Upon a closer look, I saw what appeared to be eggs. It seems that some of the Easter Eggers have been flying up into the rafters and making a nest in the eaves. I went up in there yesterday and puled out 59 eggs from 3 locations! Now we know why (we thought) the Easter Eggers weren’t laying so well! It’s a little early for an Easter egg hunt!

It’s an egg hunt!
In other egg news, the turkeys are laying! We started getting eggs around the 14th, and now are getting 2-3 a day. We plan on collecting until we have enough for a full incubator, using only the most recent eggs. If all goes as plans, our flock will be much larger by Summer! We haven’t decided if we will sell them or not. We will decide after we see the numbers and how many males we need to cull. We may just hold back for breeding more again next Spring so there will be plenty to sell come Thanksgiving 2019. Stay tuned!

Turkey eggs for the incubator