Spring Update – Full Steam Ahead!
Spring update – Full Steam Ahead!
Well it is ON! The Sun is out and has dried out the garden enough that we have been planting and now have a bunch of plants growing in the ground. Our 20-week CSA starts delivery this week – we delayed two weeks due to the weather – and there’s lots of great veggies on the way!

The garden in Spring
Birds! Birds! Birds!
We have 11 new ducks and 15 new turkeys that are growing up quickly! Both are almost fully feathered and are enjoying their new home in the coop and are discovering the outside. I am way behind in posting and am planning on finishing up a video about the turkeys. We filmed the process from putting the eggs in the incubator all the way to hatching. I’ll get it edited and posted soon – in my “free time.” 🙂

Our new Saxony ducks
The chickens are enjoying the newly planted Omega-3 seed mix we added to their run. The hens are laying consistently and the batch of eggs we hatched turned out to be mostly roosters! We are planning on separating the ones we plan to breed and will cull the rest to make room for more hens.

The Ladies enjoying fresh grass
While our CSA is sold out, we do have fresh eggs for sale. You can order here and we will arrange local pick-up or delivery if within our delivery area.