Panic chicken sales are strong

Panic Sales are STRONG….
We have been getting a lot of calls from people looking to buy chickens. My guess is that panic-buying is driving most of these calls. Our laying hens have been producing and we have a steady supply of eggs, but are selling out regularly (we appreciate that)! We hope you are all well and we are happy to help provide food for your family.
We have sold out of laying hens, pullets, and hatching eggs….
We really appreciate the sales but unfortunately don’t have any more to sell at this time. We do have plans for hatching out more hens, ducks, and turkeys, so please keep an eye on the blog and feel free to call us to see what’s new and our timeline. We will be hatching Turkeys first to satisfy Thanksgiving orders (we’ll be posting more about this soon…) and then most likely more chickens.
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