6606 304th St E. Graham, WA

Category: Poultry

Growing real food in beautiful Graham, WA

We have too many chickens!

We have too many chickens! This Spring we have been successful in expanding our flock – too successful!  We purchased a bunch of Welsummer chicks then hatched out a bunch of our own Rhode Island Red and Cuckoo Marans, then another batch of French Black Copper Marans and Cream Legbar.   So, to keep our flock…
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Happy Poultry Day!

March 19 is National Poultry Day and to celebrate we’re having a sale on eggs until Easter! Fresh chicken eggs: $6/dozen, $11/ 2 dozen, $15/ 3 dozen Fertile hatching eggs! Saxony Duck: $6/dozen Bourbon Red Turkey:$2/ea. Limited supply Call to arrange pick up at the farm 206-913-7494

2018 Recap and Plans for 2019

2018 Recap and Plans for 2019 Hello friends! First, thank you for your support during 2018 and helping it be a success. We wanted to provide a quick recap of 2018 and give you an idea of what we have planned for 2019. Yes, this is a long overdue post – with how busy we…
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Article: “It Could be the Age of the Chicken, Geologically”

Worth a read – more reason to change how we raise our food and the value in keeping traditional methods alive.  We are planning on offering fresh pasture raised poultry in 2019 – broilers, duck, turkey, and goose.  Stay tuned and be sure to sign up for our email list for updates.

Hatching, planning, waiting…

Hatching, Planning, Waiting… Successful Hatch! We successfully hatched out the fertile eggs we purchased as part of our breeding plan and laying hen replacement.  The 30 eggs we ordered (and one extra for free) arrived via USPS damaged leaving only 28 for the incubator.  Of those, 26 developed and from the 26, we hatched out…
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Hot Composting Litter

Hot Composting Litter We manage the compost generated by our chickens through composting using the Berkeley method of “hot” composting.  Through composting, we manage the waste generated by the chickens, turning it into valuable soil building compost that adds nutrients, builds soil structure, and improves drainage.

What’s in a name?

What’s in a name? With so many different labels, what are we really buying? You may have been following the recent USDA announcement that it intends to withdraw the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices rule protecting animal welfare standards.  With the rise in popularity of organic food in general, big-agriculture has learned that organic is…
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UFO’s and Chickens!

UFO’s and Chickens! With all of the recent news coverage about the Pentagon’s secret program studying UFOs, I found this article that is more in line with our focus – chickens! The article and video below provide instructions to build a UFO shaped coop. Our chickens may not have as fancy a home, but they do have…
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