We have too many chickens!

We have too many chickens!
This Spring we have been successful in expanding our flock – too successful! We purchased a bunch of Welsummer chicks then hatched out a bunch of our own Rhode Island Red and Cuckoo Marans, then another batch of French Black Copper Marans and Cream Legbar. So, to keep our flock a reasonable size, we’re offering some of our surplus birds for sale.
We have from 1 month old chicks to laying hens between 1 – 3 years old. Prices vary by variety and age.
We feed our chickens all organic Scratch and Peck grains and they get to free range as well, which make our eggs super delicious. See listing below and let us know if you have any questions.
Available birds
1 – 3 year old layer hens (variety of breeds – RIR, New Hampshire Reds, Barred Rocks, Black Stars, Buff Brahmas, Easter Eggers) – most lay large light brown eggs – $15 each
< 1 year laying hens (Welsummer, Buff Orpington) – lay medium dark brown & light brown eggs respectively- $20 each
4 month old pullets (Welsummer) – $20 each (should start laying in about a month or 2) – will lay dark brown eggs
2 month old chicks (Cuckoo Marans and RIRs) – $20 each (should start laying in about 3-4 months) – will lay dark brown & light brown eggs respectively
1 month old chicks (Black Copper Marans and 1 Cream Leg Bar Rooster) – $25 each – will lay dark brown
I also have a few Roosters if you are interested all are between 1 – 2.5 years old (Buff Brahma, RIR, Easter Egger, Cuckoo Maran and Barred Rock) – $15 each – price negotiable if you are buying hens too!
Prices vary by bird due to age, breed and demand of birds, between $10-$25. Ryan Family Farm is located in Graham, WA. Also willing to meet 1/2 way for local delivery.
Please text or call Erica – see contact info at he top of the page for contact info.