Is it Spring Yet?
Is it Spring Yet?
Garden Planning
We ordered our seeds today (yea!) and it’s starting to feel like Spring is right around the corner! We’re busy planning the gardens – when and where to plant what, and how much. There are still CSA shares available but we have had a number of people express interest, so you may want to reserve yours today. The garden plots are wet, but compared to last year, they seem to be draining better. The plan is to add compost to two of the plots soon, and then build raised beds with new soil mixed with the compost. We are having some tree work done next month, so the wood chips will come in handy either for the paths, mulching various plantings around the property, and for more composting.

Planning for 2018
We will start our breeding program in a few weeks with our Rhode Island Red rooster. He will be in with the RIR hens and the Barred Rock hens too. The cross will produce a sex-link hybrid, called Black Star. They are strong layers, big framed, and rather calm. We have some now and they are consistent layers. Of course we also have 28 eggs in the incubator right now. We shall see what kind of success we’ve had in a week. They should be hatching around the 1st or 2nd of Feb. We’ll keep you posted as the chicks start to hatch.
Eggs – Delivery Available
The hens are ramping up their production too. The newest hens are mostly laying and their eggs are getting more full sized. The older hens are done with their molt and are laying well. If you’re looking for fresh eggs, we are delivering to the local-ish area, from Graham to Seattle. If you’re interested, get in touch! Why not sign up for our Egg CSA and get 25 weeks of fresh eggs delivered from March to September?
Speaking of eggs, the author of the Health Ambition blog contacted me about her article about the health benefit of eggs. Check it out here. I already know how great fresh eggs from our hens taste, but now I know more about how good they are as a healthy part of my diet.