It’s a Growing Problem
It’s a Growing Problem
Well, I admit. I’ve got a problem. I just cant stop checking out seed catalogs and buying interesting seeds. My latest binge is dry beans. I’ve got a plot where we’ll be trialling some new varieties that we aren’t quite ready to do at scale or that we just want to try for our own eating. I want to grow the Three Sisters – corn, squash, and beans. In planning what I want to plant, I started looking at heirloom varieties and interesting varieties. My plan is to grow Bloody Butcher corn, Potimarron Squash, Long Island Cheese Pumpkin, Cherokee Trail of Tears bean, Tuvaglieda bean, Moldovanesti runner bean, Khabarovsk pole bean, and Diecimino pole bean.

If all goes well, we’ll have enough to share with our CSA and some seed for next year.
Well, I’m glad I got that off my chest. Now back to the catalogs…